8 Important Safety Tips for Using a Mobility Scooter 

8 Important Safety Tips for Using a Mobility Scooter 

“By understanding key safety tips for using a mobility scooter, you will increase the safety and travel experience when in the community.” Undoubtedly, mobility scooters can become an essential tool for seniors suffering from physical mobility challenges; by giving them a sense of freedom and independence. But whether a mobility scooter will benefit you depends…

Aging Genetics and Lifestyle – Demystifying Family History & Health in Later Life

Aging Genetics and Lifestyle – Demystifying Family History & Health in Later Life

We’ve all heard the saying: “Blood is thicker than water”?  Turns out, our blood might not just hold sentimental value, but a map to our future health too.  Through aging genetics, an intricate code is carved within each cell, telling the story of our family health history including our susceptibility to heart disease, certain cancers,…

Turn Obesity Around Together: Your Essential Guide to Supporting Senior Weight Loss

Turn Obesity Around Together: Your Essential Guide to Supporting Senior Weight Loss

Weight issues are tough enough to raise to address in ourselves but it’s even harder to raise and discuss with someone else.  So what I will try to do is offer you information on the topic of obesity and perhaps spark some ways to address your elderly one struggling with weight issues.  This information is…

Empower Your Loved One: Fight Diabetes and Reclaim Their Golden Years
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Empower Your Loved One: Fight Diabetes and Reclaim Their Golden Years

Have you ever watched a TV program or film where the characters comment: “If you eat that your foot will foot off?” Well, it can get that serious but there’s a lot that can be done before it reaches that level.  Diabetes becomes increasingly common as we age, impacting over 1 in 4 seniors.  The…

Cholesterol Levels for Seniors: What Seniors Need to Know

Cholesterol Levels for Seniors: What Seniors Need to Know

Everyone’s favorite topic: cholesterol. No, no I didn’t think so. We all fear that one topic our doctor will raise with us: “So, your cholesterol level…” But if you didn’t know, cholesterol is a waxy, fat-like substance found in all of our body’s cells.  We need healthy levels to produce key hormones and vitamins, but…

Mobility Scooter Accessories: Enhance Your Safety and Experience with Mobility Aids 

Mobility Scooter Accessories: Enhance Your Safety and Experience with Mobility Aids 

Everyone loves accessories! And you can even accessorize a scooter too. Mobility scooter accessories help make your mobility scooter more versatile; even enhancing safety and user experience. You get to personalize your scooter based on what the user wants and also needs. Many features come with a mobility scooter, but you may need additional accessories…

The Silent Threat: High Blood Pressure for Seniors

The Silent Threat: High Blood Pressure for Seniors

Hypertension a.k.a high blood pressure for seniors becomes an increasing risk as we age. And supporting elderly people with high blood pressure, as with any support, is a tough gig. Your first thought might be, ‘My blood pressure goes through the roof when I try to help my elderly parents accept help!’  Although, in some…

Understanding Atherosclerosis: The Leading Cause of Heart Disease

Understanding Atherosclerosis: The Leading Cause of Heart Disease

Atherosclerosis (pronounced: a·thuh·row·skluh·row·suhs) is a condition that is not only hard to pronounce but underlies the development of most cardiovascular diseases.  Sometimes called arteriosclerosis or “hardening of the arteries,”  it occurs when fatty deposits called plaque build up inside the arteries over time.  This causes the arteries to narrow and stiffen, restricting blood flow to…

Aging Hearts: Understanding and Preventing Heart Disease in Older Adults

Aging Hearts: Understanding and Preventing Heart Disease in Older Adults

As we age, our risk for many diseases goes up, and heart disease tops the list. Scary news, right?  Heart disease remains the leading cause of death for both men and women once they reach 65 years old.  But all is not lost when we create a healthy lifestyle and access proper medical care, much…

Best Heavy Duty Mobility Scooters: A Guide to Choose and Benefits

Best Heavy Duty Mobility Scooters: A Guide to Choose and Benefits

“The best heavy duty mobility scooter offers great support and stability to the rider while keeping comfort in mind”. Seeing your aging parents or grandparents start to struggle with getting around can be disheartening. Their world seems to shrink as everyday tasks like shopping, visiting friends, or enjoying hobbies gets harder. And you wish you…